PAWS has many programs which include low cost spay/neutering, the New Leash on Life dog training program, a food pantry, and involvement with our local educational system. There are unlimited opportunities to volunteer for PAWS. Just a few of the the possibilities include, but are not limited to becoming a foster home, event coordinator/helper, grant writer,computer/internet helper, or any number of other possibilities. The best way to find your purrfect niche would be to attend one of our monthly meetings. We meet at 4:00, on the 3rd Monday of the month, at the Oriental Town Hall. If your unable to attend, but feel you have a skill that would help us Please contact Jackie at 252-649-5504. She'll be able to help you get in touch with the right person that is in need of your assistance and talents.
PAWS - Pamlico Animal Welfare Society
PO Box 888, Oriental, NC 28571
[email protected]
252-745-PAWS (7297)
PO Box 888, Oriental, NC 28571
[email protected]
252-745-PAWS (7297)